
My Uncle John's Place 

来源:玉米科学 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-12-29

山东邢连香选注MyUncleJohn was a farmer,and his place was four miles from my home inFlorida,Missouri.I spent part of every year at the farm until1 was12 or13 years old.The life whichI led there with my eight cousins was full of charml,andSO is the memory of it.It was a heavenly place for a boy.The house was a double log one,with a spacious2 floor(roofed in)connecting it with the kitchen.In summer the table was set in the middle of that shady,breezy floor,and*the sumptuous meals3--well,it makes me cry to think of them.Fried chicken,roast pig, rk,eys≮,du>ck—s,;、-ees, iso#,‘‘,abbitturkeys ducks geese venison,squirrels rabbits,,,,,木pheasants,partridges,prairie chickens5;biscuits, hot*corn pone6;*corn on the cob,succotash7,butter beans,string beans,tomatoes,peas,Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes;buttermilk,sweet milk;母watermelons,muskmelons,cantaloupes8一a11 fresh from the garden;apple pie,peach pie,pumpkin pie,水apple dumplings9,丰peach cobblert0_ICan’t remember the rest.The farmhouse stood in the middle of a large fenced yard.In one comer were a dozen tall木hickory treesll and a dozen black walnutst2,and in the nutting season riches were gathered there.Behind the house was the orchard”,and beyond that were theNe- groes’houses and the tobacco fields.I can still hearUncleDan’1,a middle—agedNegro,telling theUncleRemusStories,书andICan慧=竺瓣粼翟==器 and the sense of regret,tool4,for itWas always the last story of the evening,and there was nothing between it and the unwelcome bed.I can see,with perfect clearness,the family room of the farmhouse.Wim宰a trundle bedIs in气翻1840s.EstherA.Howland began to sell the first mass-produced valentines inAmerica.According to*theGreetingCardAssociation27, all estimated one billion valentine cards are sent each year,makingValentine’SDay the second largest card·sending holiday of the year.(An estimated2.6霉黪絮卡协套。 bUlion cards are sent forChristmas.)Approximately85 percent ofall valentines are purchased by wonlen.In addition to theUnitedStates.Vmentine’SDay is celebrated inCanada,Mexico,theUnitedKingdom,France,andAustralia.(通讯地址:l大连外国语学院)
